Attribute Overview Table

compact<t:property> (html)If "true", the element does not use empty space to align with other elements.
counter<t:forAll>If present, the given variable name is used to declare an integer variable holding the current element index.
expr<t:assign>(required) An OCL-expression determining the initial value and type of the variable.
<t:call>The evaluation result of the expression is used as context for the called template.
<t:column> (html)Expression determining the content of the colum. If not present, the child elements of the colum-element are used to determine the column content. If the expr-attribute is present, the <t:column> element must be empty.
<t:context>Contains an OCL expression determining the new evaluation context
<t:forAll>Contains an OCL expression that must result in an collection.
<t:if>The boolean evaluation result of the contained OCL expression determines the processing of child elements.
<t:link> (html)The contained OCL expression is evaluated to determine the link address.
<t:param>If the parameter is not set, the expression is used as default value
<t:switch> (required) : The result of the given OCL expression is compared to the expressions given in <t:case> sub-elements.
<t:valueOf>(required) Determines the replacement value.
<t:variable>(required) An OCL-expression determining the initial value and type of the variable.
<t:withParam>An OCL Expression determining the value of the parameter.
file<t:call>Name of the template file to be called.
followup<t:cancel> (html)A followup command, determining the next page.
<t:control> (html)Determines the URL of the page that is requested when the button is pressed.
<t:login> (html)Contains an optional followup URL command. By default, the previous page will be displayed when one of the buttons is pressed.
<t:operation> (html)A followup command, determining the next page.
<t:submit> (html)A followup command, determining the next page.
format<t:column> (html)Used to format the result of the expr-attribute.
<t:valueOf>Formatting instructions for the evaluation result.
iterator<t:forAll>If present, the value denotes an iterator variable name that is used instead of self.
label<t:cancel> (html)The optional label of the cancel button.
<t:operation> (html)An optional labed for the button. If not present, the name of the operation will be displayed.
<t:submit> (html) An optional label for the submit button.
maxWidth<t:image> (html)If present, and the image is wider than the value, the image is scaled down accordingly.
method<t:form> (html)Determines the request method used to submit the form. May be POST or GET. If omitted, the default value is GET if the type is query, POST otherwise.
name<t:assign>(required) The name of the variable to be declared.
<t:image> (html)Name of the field holding the image data.
<t:operation> (html)The name of the operation to be executed.
<t:param>(required) The name of the variable to be declared.
<t:property> (html)The name of the property to be displayed, edited, or queried.
<t:variable>(required) The name of the variable to be declared.
<t:withParam>The name of the parameter.
names<t:properties> (html)A comma separated list of property names to be displayed.
sortedBy<t:column> (html)Expression determining the row order of the table if this column is selected. If not given, expr is used to determine the order.
template<t:call>Name of the template to be called.
<t:link> (html)If an template attribute is present, the given template is used instead of the default template of the object.
title<t:column> (html)The Column Title.
type<t:form> (html)A type constant determining the request type and URL for the form. The request URL is constructed by prefixing the type with "get-" or "post-", depending on the method, and appending ".html".
<t:login> (html)Must contain one of the values input or select. If the type is select, the user to log in can be selected from a list. Otherwise, the log in name must be entered in a text field.
<t:param>The type of the variable, it must match the actual type set by the withParam element. If not set, the type defaults to OclAny
width<t:image> (html)If present, the image is always scaled to the given width.
zoomable<t:image> (html)Decides whether zooming via clicking the image is enabled. Default is true.