

getObject(s1: String, t2: OclType): OclAny
Returns the object denoted by the URL parameter s.
getPath(): String
Returns the path part of the self.
getProperty(s: String): String
Returns the value of the URL query parameter s.
getParameterValues(s: String): Bag(String)
Returns all values of the URL query parameter named s as a bag of strings.
isLocal(): Boolean
Returns true if self is a local URL.
withProperty(s1: String, s2: String): IlUrl
Returns a copy with a query parameter s1, having the value s2.
withPath(s: String): IlUrl
Returns a copy of self, but with the URL path set to s.
withObject(s1: String, a2: OclAny): IlUrl
Returns a copy of i, but with a URL parameter named s1, containing o2 encoded as OCL literal.