

toString(): String [I]
Returns a string representation of self. For primitive types, a canonical String representation is returned. For objects, the default implementation returns the name, the title or the login attribute if available. If not, the ID of the object is returned.
oclType(): OclType
Returns the type of self.
oclIsTypeOf(t: OclType): Boolean
Determines whether self is of the type t.
oclIsKindOf(t: OclType): Boolean
True if t is a type or super type of self.
=(a: OclAny): Boolean
True if self equals a. Please note that all comparisons wiht OclUndefined including '=' yield OclUndefined. Hence, please use oclIsUndefined() to test for undefined values.
Syntax and SQL template: self = a
<>(a: OclAny): Boolean
True if self is different from a.
Syntax and SQL template: self <> a
<(a: OclAny): Boolean
True if self is less than a. By default, the comparison operations are based on the toString() representations of self and a. Sub types should overload this operation.
Syntax and SQL template: self < a
>(a: OclAny): Boolean
True if self is greater than a.
Syntax and SQL template: self > a
<=(a: OclAny): Boolean
True if self is less than or equal to a.
Syntax and SQL template: self <= a
>=(a: OclAny): Boolean
True if self is greater than or equal to a.
Syntax and SQL template: self >= a
oclIsUndefined(): Boolean
True if self is OclUndefined, false otherwise.