

-(): Real
Returns (0 - self)
Syntax and SQL template: - self
abs(): Real
Returns the absolute value of self.
floor(): Integer
Returns the largest integer which is less than or equal to self.
round(): Integer
Returns integer that is closest to self. If two integers are equally close to self, the largest is returned.
+(r: Real): Real
Returns the sum of self and r
Syntax and SQL template: self + r
-(r: Real): Real
Returns the difference of self and r.
Syntax and SQL template: self - r
*(r: Real): Real
Returns the product of self and r.
Syntax and SQL template: self * r
/(r: Real): Real
Returns the quotient of self and r.
Syntax and SQL template: self / r
max(r: Real): Real
Returns the maximum of self and r.
min(r: Real): Real
Returns the minimum of self and r.
toString(s: String): String [I]
Returns a string representation of self, formatted according to s.